Upcoming Events

Event Information:

  • Responsive Lightbox


    * New: Romanian translation, thanks to [Victor Chiritoiu](http://contacter.ro)
    * Fix: Tos "R" Us pagination thumbnails and pause on hover settings not working
    * Tweak: Scripts and styles versioning, for better cache handling
    * Tweak: French translation updated


    * New: Option to conditionally load scripts and styles only on pages that have images or galleries in post content.


    * Tweak: Multiple backward rel attribute compatibility tweaks
    * Fix: Nivo lightbox and Image lightbox js attr errors when no data-rel given
    * Fix: Swipebox option to remove top and bottom bars


    * Tweak: Swipebox option to remove top and bottom bars on mobile devices
    * Fix: Swipe support for Tos "R" Us lightbox script


    * Fix: Nivo lightbox buttons and styles missing


    * New: Tos "R" Us lightbox script
    * Fix: Final fix for video links regex (hopefully)
    * Tweak: Switched from rel to data-rel attribute to avoid W3C validation errors
    * Tweak: Optimized gallery image size function


    * Tweak: Support for multiple custom galleries per page (via gallery-n) in rel
    * Fix: Boolean / subfields bug not saving settings properly
    * Fix: Vimeo videos automatic lightbox not working when query parameters were not set


    * New: Revamped User Interface
    * New: Option to force lightbox for custom WP gallery replacements like Jetpack tiled galleries


    * New: Option to set gallery images title from image title, caption, alt or description
    * Tweak: Improved regex for Youtube video links


    * Fix: Reverted back the regex change in lightbox selector to gallery links