Nature Center & Bird Sanctuary


The Burroughs Audubon Nature Center and Bird Sanctuary is located at 7300 SW West Park Road in Blue Springs, Missouri. Before Fleming Park was established, The “Audubon House” belonged to Jim and Lois Wolfe. The couple owned the Jackson County Democrat newspaper, and Lois taught journalism at Blue Springs High School. The Wolfes hosted a black-eyed pea New Year’s Day party every year for local and state politicians, and Lois even invited her students in 1959. Once the park opened, the building served as the first park ranger’s home before becoming the park biologist’s office. Burroughs has occupied the building since 1974 as a partner with Jackson County Parks + Rec. The building now serves as our headquarters and public outreach space and houses our extensive natural history library. The post-WWII house even retains its original St. Charles mid-century modern steel kitchen cabinets. Come watch birds and wildlife in this peaceful place!


Download our monthly brochures with FREE programs:

Library Brochure of upcoming activities


2023-24 season of Project FeederWatch


NOV 3-4, 10-11, 17-18 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

DEC 1-2, 15-16 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

JAN 12-13, 26-27 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

FEB 2-3, 16-17 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

MAR 1-2, 15-16, 29-30 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

APR 5-6 (make up date – if needed to make 12 counts) from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.


Nature Center Regular Hours


Saturday and Sunday Noon to 4:00 PM

* Special times for Bonnie The Biologist and other programs.

* We are a 100% volunteer organization, and there may be times we are unable to open. Before making a special trip, we would love for you to give us a call/text. 816-795-8177.


PanoramicThank you to Burroughs Audubon member and board member, Frank Varon, click here for a fabulous panoramic view of the Burroughs Audubon Nature Center and Bird Sanctuary.  


Natural History Library

IMG_0144_aWe invite all nature lovers, young and old, to spend the day at our library.  While our books are not available to check-out, they are available on an unlimited basis, on site, for research, knowledge, and enjoyment.  Whether you are a home school or you just want to take in a day of reading, come visit us!   Burroughs Audubon has a complete natural history library with more than 2,548 titles – the only natural history collection that is comparable to New York City Audubon!  Some of our categories include conservation, gardening, mammals, animal culture, fish, birds, insects, zoology, natural history, decorative arts, description and travel, environment, teaching, and reference. 


Bonnie The Biologist

BonnieBurroughs Audubon is proud to welcome Bonita “Bonnie” Anderson to its volunteer roster. There’s no mystery why we’re excited to have Bonnie as she works with us to improve our displays and offers special programs!  Bonnie comes to us as an Environmental Biologist / First Professional, Management Level Naturalist for the Missouri Department of Conservation in the Kansas City Region’s Fisheries & Forestry Divisions.  Her experience prior to this was vast and includes Bird Bander & Salvage for the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Biology Instructor & Science Chair at Wentworth Jr. College, and Biologist/ Consultant for Frechin PC & Bird’s Botanicals.  She has received many awards including the Presidential Award for Conservation, the Governor’s Award for Education, and the AIN Award for Interpretive Naturalist in six states!  Bonnie’s programs will be given at the Burroughs Audubon Nature Center and Library in Jackson County’s Fleming Park/Lake Jacomo.




Esther O’Connor Wildflower Prairie

Named in honor of a beloved member and original librarian and caretaker, the Esther O’Connor Wildflower Prairie is a small, but botanically diverse, planting that attempts to recreate a little piece of the tallgrass prairie landscape that once covered large areas of the Kansas City region. The planting was expertly and caringly established decades ago for the benefit of people and wildlife, alike.




Partner Award

IMG_0155_aOn April 17, 2014, Burroughs Audubon Society was honored with the Partner Award from Jackson County Parks + Recreation. Today, we continue to be an asset to Parks + Recreation and to the citizens of Jackson County by offering free programs to everyone, regardless of where one lives in the KC metro area.