Field Trip Recaps

Field Trip Recaps

Frequent field trip leaders for Burroughs Audubon include Steve Johnson, left; Mike Stoakes, center; and Malcolm Gold, right, pictured with his daughters.
Frequent field trip leaders for Burroughs Audubon include Steve Johnson, left; Mike Stoakes, center; and Malcolm Gold, right, pictured with his daughters.

We encourage you to share your birding experiences with others. Add your photos to the trip list within eBird, share them on social media, and invite your friends to an upcoming trip. We also post field trip recaps and photos on our Facebook page. If you attended a trip in the past and wish the eBird checklist shared with you, please send an email request to Burroughs Audubon.

2/04/25 - Two birders were the only people on the Arboretum trails on a chilly and cloudy morning. Highlights included views of three Brown Creepers at the same time in close proximity, three Harris's Sparrows, and a foraging mixed flock of Juncos, American Tree and Song Sparrows.

2/01/25 - Postponed only once because of icy trails, Don Arney led three birders in this annual winter bird census along the Blue River. Highlights included a pair of adult bald eagles, a pair of pileated woodpeckers, and several brown creepers.

1/28/25 - It took 3 attempts to get the Jerry Smith Park winter bird census done due to bitter wind chills, but 4 intrepid ladies helped get it done. It was a beautiful, sunny winter morning. The group tallied 27 species, with the biggest highlight being a cooperative Spotted Towhee who posed in good light for everyone. Other notable birds were a Northern Mockingbird, Purple Finch and Cedar Waxwings.

1/19/25 – Even though it was bitter cold, three people had a great time and saw many Trumpeter Swans, including two banded swans from Iowa. We also saw Tundra Swans, Bald Eagles of all ages, and a darling Ruby-crowned Kinglet that wanted to join our group.

1/1/25 – 18 birders celebrated the new year in style, looking for birds!  The group started by scanning Blue Springs Lake, then headed down to the wetlands for a short hike.  The highlight for most was viewing an incredibly social Yellow-bellied Sapsucker from a close distance!  Seeing a Marsh Wren overwinter in the cattails was also a great sighting.


Past Field Trips and eBird Checklists

We've archived past Burroughs Audubon field trip recaps along with the eBird checklists for the following years: 2024, 2023202220212020201920182017, as well as the 2024 and 2019 trips to Sax-Zim Bog and MN Northwoods.