General Meetings



On the third Tuesday of each month in spring and fall (unless otherwise noted), we invite members and non-members alike to enjoy a free educational program and learn what is new in your Audubon chapter! Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.. A short business meeting precedes the program and includes conservation news, discussion of recent bird sightings, and details of upcoming field trips and other events.

Burroughs Audubon Society’s spring General Meetings are held in March, April and May. Fall General Meetings are held in September, October and November.


Quail in Missouri: How Are They Doing and How Can We Help?


Tuesday, March 19 on ZOOM – 6:30 p.m. Presentation by by Beth Emmerich, Upland Game Scientist, Missouri Department of Conservation (Northeast Region) and Haley Lockard, Senior Farm Bill Biologist, Quail Forever. Quail populations are an indicator of the overall health of our threatened grassland habitats, which are shared by meadowlarks, bobolinks, shrikes, and many other birds. Beth and Haley will provide an overview of the life cycle of quail, an update on quail numbers in Missouri, and describe measures taken by MDC and Quail Forever to preserve and enhance their habitat throughout the state. Haley will also describe programs currently available to landowners who want to improve quail habitat and numbers on their properties.


Prothonotary Warblers: Swamp Candles in the Midwest


Tuesday, April 16 on ZOOM – 6:30 p.m. Presentation by Ann Tanner, Master Naturalist, who will give an overview of Prothonotary Warblers from a scientific and personal perspective. She will describe the birds’ population trends, range and migration pathways, and ongoing work by Johnson County K-State Master Naturalists and citizen scientists to install nesting boxes in Prothonotary Warbler habitat in eastern Kansas. We invite Missouri citizen scientists to join us in this work. The program will be loaded with photos and personal stories of interactions with these beautiful birds. Ann will also detail plans to band and place nanotags on Prothonotary Warblers in 2024 to track their migratory travels.


Warbler Identification


Tuesday, May 21 on ZOOM – 6:30 p.m. Presentation by Morgan Wyatt of the Missouri Department of Conservation. Migrating warblers are a highlight of every birder’s spring season. They’re gorgeous and entertaining to watch, but often frustrating to identify. A recording of this meeting can be viewed until June 20.