An Evening with Scott Weidensaul

Burroughs Audubon is planning an exciting annual dinner, silent auction and raffle at Garozzo’s Ristorante in Lee’s Summit on Saturday, April 8! It promises to be a memorable event with noted speaker and natural history author, Scott Weidensaul, telling us about his Snowy Owl tracking project! Click here for a registration form, with cost and event details.

We’re also gathering bird-related items for a “Feathered Nest” gift basket and raffle prizes that, so far, include an opportunity to help band Peregrine Falcon chicks, a bird photography workshop with Terrence Thompson, antique Goebel bird figurines and items from local birding stores, and a sit-on-top kayak with paddling accessories! WE NEED YOUR BIRD-RELATED ITEMS AND SUGGESTIONS!

Please call/text Marilyn Koshland at 816-537-5988 with donations. All are tax-deductible! In addition, please feel welcome to bring items to the February and March General Meetings (third Tuesday) at the Discovery Center to give to Mike Stoakes or Linda Willliams.

In anticipation of an informative and stimulating evening, you might be interested to browse the following map of this winter’s Snowy Owl sightings and owl articles:

Winter 2016-17 Snowy Owl sightings reported to eBird.

From the March-April 2014 issue of Audubon Magazine:
With So Many Snowies to Study, Scientists Are Discovering How Little We Know About This Bird
by Scott Weidensaul

A Snowy Owl Sequel?
By Pat Leonard

From Alaska Dispatch News:
Stalking snowy owls — and the mystery of their wintertime migration
By Paul Bannick

From Wisconsin Public Radio:
An ‘Irruption’ Of Snowy Owls In Wisconsin Isn’t Likely In Early 2017
By Jill Nadeau

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