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Event Information:

  • WordPress SEO


    Release Date: June 11th, 2015

    * Makes sure users can close the tour by circumventing possible JavaScript caching issues that might occur.


    Release Date: June 10th, 2015

    * Enhancements:
    * Contains several accessibility improvements, including 'for' attributes for labels and several links to explanatory articles.
    * Adds support for creating partial sitemaps with WP CLI, props [Lars Schenk](https://github.com/larsschenk).
    * Add Google's mobile friendly test to the SEO toolbar, props [Brandon Hubbard](https://github.com/bhubbard).
    * Makes sure slugs are not being stripped if the remaining slug is less than 3 characters, props [andyexeter](https://github.com/andyexeter).
    * Shows an activation error when dependencies were not installed properly with composer.
    * Added a filter to allow the RSS footer to be dynamically shown/hidden, props [Hugh Lashbrooke](https://github.com/hlashbrooke).
    * Added many translator comments to help translators more easily get the context.
    * Made sure Open Graph article tags are added separately, following up on the Open Graph specification.
    * Adds recommended image sizes per Social network in the social tab of the SEO metabox.
    * Removes the tracking functionality.
    * Shows a dismissible notice with a link to the about page that is shown after every update. The user is no longer being redirected and only has to dismiss the notice once for all sites (in case of multisite).
    * Adds a link to the about page to the general tab of the settings dashboard.
    * Makes the tour dismissible on user level.
    * Adds Twitter profile to JSON LD output.
    * Twitter profile input field now also accepts full url and automatically strips it down to just the username.
    * Only adds the JSON LD output to the frontpage, since it's not needed on other pages.
    * Makes all WordPress SEO by Yoast notices dismissible.

    * Bugfixes:
    * Fixes a bug where the widgets were removed from every XML file. This is now only the case for the sitemaps.
    * Fixes a bug where validation errors were shown for the wrong variables in the titles and metas settings.
    * Fixes a bug where the SEO toolbar was broken.
    * Fixes a few typo's, props [Gary Jones](https://github.com/GaryJones).
    * Fixes a bug where links in tooltips were not impossible to click.
    * Fixes a broken link to the permalinks section of the advanced settings, props [Michael Nordmeyer](https://github.com/michaelnordmeyer).
    * Fixes settings import on multisite.
    * Fixes a bug where the sitemap could contain datetimes in the wrong timezone.
    * Fixes a bug where the wrong Facebook user ID was added to the fb:admins meta tag. Adding FB admin user id is now a manual process.
    * Fixed Open Graph and Twitter cards on static posts pages
    * Fixes a bug where sitemap cache was not always cleared after saving the WordPress SEO by Yoast settings.

    * Security:
    * Fixes a possible XSS vulnerability in the snippet preview. Thanks [Charles Neill](https://twitter.com/ccneill) and [Mazen Gamal](https://twitter.com/mazengamal) for discovering and responsibly disclosing this issue.


    Release Date: April 21st, 2015

    * Bugfixes:
    * Fixes a bug where the JSON+LD output was outputted twice when company or person info wasn't set.
    * Fixes a compatibility issue with Video SEO and WooCommerce SEO add-ons causing WSOD on the frontend for video's and WooCommerce products.
    * Fixes a compatibility issue with BBPress caused by hooking `current_user_can` too early.